Publications of year 2023 |
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Antonio Furchi,
Martina Lippi,
Renzo Fabrizio Carpio,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Route Optimization in Precision Agriculture Settings: A Multi-Steiner TSP Formulation.
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering,
Keyword(s): Robots,
Task analysis,
Autonomous aerial vehicles,
Multi-robot systems,
Smart agriculture,
Precision engineering,
Multi-robot systems,
route optimization,
precision agriculture.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:TASE:1:2023, author={Furch{\`i}, Antonio and Lippi, Martina and Carpio, Renzo Fabrizio and Gasparri, Andrea}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering}, title={Route Optimization in Precision Agriculture Settings: A Multi-Steiner TSP Formulation}, year={2023}, volume={20}, number={4}, pages={2551-2568}, keywords={Robots;Task analysis;Optimization;Costs;Inspection;Autonomous aerial vehicles;Turning;Multi-robot systems;Smart agriculture;Precision engineering;Multi-robot systems;route optimization;precision agriculture}, doi={10.1109/TASE.2022.3204584} }
Martina Lippi,
Antonio Furchi,
Alessandro Marino,
and Andrea Gasparri.
An Adaptive Distributed Protocol for Finite-Time Infimum or Supremum Dynamic Consensus.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:CSL:2:2023, author={Lippi, Martina and Furch{\`i}, Antonio and Marino, Alessandro and Gasparri, Andrea}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, title={An Adaptive Distributed Protocol for Finite-Time Infimum or Supremum Dynamic Consensus}, year={2023}, volume={7}, number={}, pages={401-406}, doi={10.1109/LCSYS.2022.3188941} }
Jacopo Maiolini,
Ciro Potena,
Renzo F. Carpio,
Martina Lippi,
and A. Gasparri.
Agri-SLAM: a Compact SLAM Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles in Large-Scale Orchard Farming.
Journal of Field Robotics,
Note: In preparation.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:2023:JFR:sub, author={Maiolini, Jacopo and Potena, Ciro and Carpio, Renzo F. and Lippi, Martina and Gasparri, A.}, title={Agri-SLAM: a Compact SLAM Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles in Large-Scale Orchard Farming}, journal={Journal of Field Robotics}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, doi={}, note={In preparation.}, }
Gabriele Oliva,
Themistoklis Charalambous,
Luca Faramondi,
Roberto Setola,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Best Effort Workload Disparity Minimization in Multi-Agent Systems With Capacity Constraints.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
Keyword(s): Load management,
Multi-agent systems,
Load modeling,
Computational modeling,
Distributed algorithms,
Cooperative multi-agent systems,
distributed algorithms,
load balancing.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:TAC:3:2022, author={Oliva, Gabriele and Charalambous, Themistoklis and Faramondi, Luca and Setola, Roberto and Gasparri, Andrea}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={Best Effort Workload Disparity Minimization in Multi-Agent Systems With Capacity Constraints}, year={2023}, volume={68}, number={8}, pages={4998-5005}, keywords={Load management;Optimization;Multi-agent systems;Load modeling;Computational modeling;Distributed algorithms;Couplings;Cooperative multi-agent systems;distributed algorithms;load balancing}, doi={10.1109/TAC.2022.3214058} }
Gabriele Oliva,
Roberto Setola,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Distributed Markov Chain Redesign for Multiagent Decision-Making Problems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:TAC:2:2023, author={Oliva, Gabriele and Setola, Roberto and Gasparri, Andrea}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={Distributed Markov Chain Redesign for Multiagent Decision-Making Problems}, year={2023}, volume={68}, number={2}, pages={1288-1295}, doi={10.1109/TAC.2022.3170333} }
Eduardo Sebastián, Eduardo Montijano,
Carlos Sagüés,
Mauro Franceschelli,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Accelerated Multi-Stage Discrete Time Dynamic Average Consensus.
IEEE Control Systems Letters,
Keyword(s): Convergence,
Heuristic algorithms,
Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions,
Consensus protocol,
Filtering algorithms,
distributed control,
sensor networks.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:CSL:1:2023, author={Sebasti{\'a}n, Eduardo Montijano, Eduardo and Sag{\"u}{\'e}s, Carlos and Franceschelli, Mauro and Gasparri, Andrea}, journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters}, title={Accelerated Multi-Stage Discrete Time Dynamic Average Consensus}, year={2023}, volume={7}, number={}, pages={2731-2736}, keywords={Convergence;Steady-state;Heuristic algorithms;Robustness;Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions;Consensus protocol;Filtering algorithms;Consensus;distributed control;estimation;sensor networks}, doi={10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3289483} }
Conference articles |
Martina Lippi,
Jorand Gallou,
Jozsef Palmieri,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Alessandro Marino.
Human-Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Agricultural Settings: a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach.
In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),
Note: To Appear.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:ROMAN:1:2023, author={ Lippi, Martina and Gallou, Jorand and Palmieri, Jozsef and Gasparri, Andrea and Marino, Alessandro}, booktitle={2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)}, title={Human-Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Agricultural Settings: a Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, note={To Appear} }
Michael C. Welle,
Martina Lippi,
Haofei Lu,
Jens Lundell,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Danica Kragic.
Enabling Robot Manipulation of Soft and Rigid Objects with Vision-based Tactile Sensors.
In 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE),
Note: To Appear.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:CASE:1:2023, author={ Welle, Michael C. and Lippi, Martina and Lu, Haofei and Lundell, Jens and Gasparri, Andrea and Kragic, Danica}, booktitle={2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE)}, title={Enabling Robot Manipulation of Soft and Rigid Objects with Vision-based Tactile Sensors}, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, note={To Appear} }
Giovanni de Carolis,
Ryan K. Williams,
and Andrea Gasparri.
A Swarm-Based Distributed Algorithm for Target Encirclement with Application to Monitoring Tasks in Precision Agriculture Scenarios.
In 2023 31th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED),
Note: To Appear.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:MED:1:2023, author={de Carolis, Giovanni and Williams, Ryan K. and Gasparri, Andrea}, booktitle={2023 31th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)}, title={A Swarm-Based Distributed Algorithm for Target Encirclement with Application to Monitoring Tasks in Precision Agriculture Scenarios }, year={2023}, volume={}, number={}, note={To Appear} }
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Last modified: Tue Jan 28 23:24:36 2025
Author: Andrea Gasparri.
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