Publications of year 2020 |
Articles in journal, book chapters |
R. F. Carpio,
C. Potena,
J. Maiolini,
G. Ulivi,
N. B. Rossello,
E. Garone,
and A. Gasparri.
A Navigation Architecture for Ackermann Vehicles in Precision Farming.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
@ARTICLE{GASPARRI:RAL:1:2020, author={R. F. {Carpio} and C. {Potena} and J. {Maiolini} and G. {Ulivi} and N. B. {Rossello} and E. {Garone} and A. {Gasparri}}, journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, title={A Navigation Architecture for Ackermann Vehicles in Precision Farming}, year={2020}, volume={5}, number={2}, pages={1103-1110}, doi={10.1109/LRA.2020.2967306}, pdf={../pdf/GasparriRAL12020.pdf}, }
Andrea Gasparri and Alessandro Marino.
A Distributed Framework for $k$-hop Control Strategies in Large-Scale Networks Based on Local Interactions.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
@ARTICLE{GASPARRI:TAC:2:2020, author={A. {Gasparri} and A. {Marino}}, author={Gasparri, Andrea and Marino, Alessandro}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control}, title={A Distributed Framework for $k$-hop Control Strategies in Large-Scale Networks Based on Local Interactions}, year={2020}, volume={65}, number={5}, pages={1825-1840}, doi={10.1109/TAC.2019.2926595}, pdf={../pdf/GasparriTAC22019.pdf}, month={}, }
J. Maiolini,
C. Potena,
R. F. Carpio,
E. Garone,
G. Ulivi,
and A. Gasparri.
A Hierarchical and Compact SLAM Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles in Large-Scale Orchard Farming.
Journal of Field Robotics,
Note: Submitted.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:2020:JFR:sub, author={Maiolini, J. and Potena, C. and Carpio, R. F. and Garone, E. and Ulivi, G. and Gasparri, A.}, title={A Hierarchical and Compact SLAM Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles in Large-Scale Orchard Farming}, journal={Journal of Field Robotics}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, doi={}, note={Submitted.}, }
Conference articles |
R. F. Carpio,
C. Potena,
J. Maiolini,
G. Ulivi,
N. B. Rossello,
E. Garone,
and A. Gasparri.
A Navigation Architecture for Ackermann Vehicles in Precision Farming.
In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),,
May 2020.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:ICRA:2:2020, author={R. F. {Carpio} and C. {Potena} and J. {Maiolini} and G. {Ulivi} and N. B. {Rossello} and E. {Garone} and A. {Gasparri}}, booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), }, title={A Navigation Architecture for Ackermann Vehicles in Precision Farming}, year={2020}, doi={10.1109/LRA.2020.2967306}, month={ May} }
Pratik Mukherjee,
Matteo Santilli,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Ryan K. Williams.
Optimal Topology Selection for Stable Coordination of Asymmetrically Interacting Multi-Robot Systems.
In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
pages 6668-6674,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:ICRA:1:2020, author={Mukherjee, Pratik and Santilli, Matteo and Gasparri, Andrea and Williams, Ryan K.}, booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={Optimal Topology Selection for Stable Coordination of Asymmetrically Interacting Multi-Robot Systems}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={6668-6674}, doi={10.1109/ICRA40945.2020.9196822} }
Ciro Potena,
Renzo Fabrizio Carpio,
Nico Pietroni,
Jacopo Maiolini,
Giovanni Ulivi,
Emanuele Garone,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Suckers Emission Detection and Volume Estimation for the Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards.
In 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA),
pages 285-290,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:CCTA:2020, author={Potena, Ciro and Carpio, Renzo Fabrizio and Pietroni, Nico and Maiolini, Jacopo and Ulivi, Giovanni and Garone, Emanuele and Gasparri, Andrea}, booktitle={2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA)}, title={Suckers Emission Detection and Volume Estimation for the Precision Farming of Hazelnut Orchards}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={285-290}, doi={10.1109/CCTA41146.2020.9206335} }
Matteo Santilli,
Gabriele Oliva,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Distributed Finite-Time Algorithm for a Class of Quadratic Optimization Problems with Time-Varying Linear Constraints.
In 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
pages 4380-4386,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:CDC:2020, author={Santilli, Matteo and Oliva, Gabriele and Gasparri, Andrea}, booktitle={2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, title={Distributed Finite-Time Algorithm for a Class of Quadratic Optimization Problems with Time-Varying Linear Constraints}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={4380-4386}, doi={10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304300} }
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Last modified: Wed Oct 16 13:22:29 2024
Author: Andrea Gasparri.
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