Publications of year 2014 |
Articles in journal, book chapters |
Marco Bibuli,
Gabriele Bruzzone,
Massimo Caccia,
Andrea Gasparri,
Attilio Priolo,
and Enrica Zereik.
Swarm-based path-following for cooperative unmanned surface vehicles.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment,
@article{Gasparri:JEME:1:2014, author = {Bibuli, Marco and Bruzzone, Gabriele and Caccia, Massimo and Gasparri, Andrea and Priolo, Attilio and Zereik, Enrica}, title = {Swarm-based path-following for cooperative unmanned surface vehicles}, volume = {228}, number = {2}, pages = {192-207}, year = {2014}, doi = {10.1177/1475090213516108}, OPTabstract ={This article proposes a swarm-based path-following guidance system for an autonomous marine multi-vehicle system. In particular, a team of unmanned surface vehicles is required to converge to and navigate along a desired reference path, while at the same time aggregating and maintaining a range-based formation configuration. First, a separate description is given for a swarm methodology, initially developed for small ground mobile robots and exploited to aggregate the robot team, and a virtual target?based path-following guidance system developed for unmanned surface vehicles, exploited to drive not the single vehicles but the robot formation as a whole. Then, the integration of the two proposed methodologies is reported and proven, in order to guarantee the feasibility and stability of the overall guidance framework. Simulative results are proposed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and to evaluate the system performances.}, OPTURL = {}, journal = {Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment}, pdf ={../pdf/GasparriJEME12014.pdf} }
M. Franceschelli and A Gasparri.
Gossip-Based Centroid and Common Reference Frame Estimation in Multiagent Systems.
Robotics, IEEE Transactions on,
April 2014.
ISSN: 1552-3098.
@ARTICLE{Gasparri:TRO:1:2014, author={Franceschelli, M. and Gasparri, A}, journal={Robotics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Gossip-Based Centroid and Common Reference Frame Estimation in Multiagent Systems}, year={2014}, month={April}, volume={30}, number={2}, pages={524-531}, OPTkeywords={convergence;distance measurement;multi-agent systems;2D space;convergence properties;decentralized common reference frame estimation problem;gossip-based centroid;line of sight angle;local reference frame;multiagent systems;neighboring agents;relative distance measurements;Distance measurement;Estimation;Noise;Noise measurement;Robot kinematics;Robot sensing systems;Consensus;distributed randomized algorithms;gossip;multiagent systems;sensor network localization}, doi={10.1109/TRO.2013.2291621}, ISSN={1552-3098}, pdf={../pdf/GasparriTRO12014.pdf} }
F. Lamonaca,
A. Gasparri,
E. Garone,
and D. Grimaldi.
Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network With Selective Convergence Rate for Event Driven Measurement Applications.
Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on,
Sept 2014.
ISSN: 0018-9456.
@article{Gasparri:TIM:1:2014, author={Lamonaca, F. and Gasparri, A. and Garone, E. and Grimaldi, D.}, journal={Instrumentation and Measurement, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Clock Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network With Selective Convergence Rate for Event Driven Measurement Applications}, year={2014}, month={Sept}, volume={63}, number={9}, pages={2279-2287}, OPTkeywords={protocols;synchronisation;wireless sensor networks;clock synchronization;detected events;event driven measurement applications;network lifetime;selective convergence rate;synchronization accuracy;synchronization packets;wireless sensor network synchronization protocol;Accuracy;Convergence;Decision support systems;Delays;Software;Synchronization;Wireless sensor networks;Clock synchronization;consensus algorithm;measurement applications;wireless sensor network (WSN);wireless sensor network (WSN).}, doi={10.1109/TIM.2014.2304867}, ISSN={0018-9456}, pdf={../pdf/GasparriTIM12014.pdf} }
Attilio Priolo,
Andrea Gasparri,
Eduardo Montijano,
and Carlos Sagüés.
A distributed algorithm for average consensus on strongly connected weighted digraphs.
50(3):946 - 951,
ISSN: 0005-1098.
@article{Gasparri:AU:1:2014, title = "A distributed algorithm for average consensus on strongly connected weighted digraphs ", journal = "Automatica ", volume = "50", number = "3", pages = "946 - 951", year = "2014", note = "", issn = "0005-1098", doi = "", OPTURL = "", author = "Attilio Priolo and Andrea Gasparri and Eduardo Montijano and Carlos Sag{\"u}{\'e}s", OPTkeywords = "Average consensus", OPTkeywords = "Directed graphs", OPTkeywords = "Broadcast communication ", pdf= "../pdf/GasparriAU12014.pdf" }
R.K. Williams,
A. Gasparri,
A. Priolo,
and G.S. Sukhatme.
Evaluating Network Rigidity in Realistic Systems: Decentralization, Asynchronicity, and Parallelization.
Robotics, IEEE Transactions on,
August 2014.
ISSN: 1552-3098.
@article{Gasparri:TRO:2:2014, author={Williams, R.K. and Gasparri, A. and Priolo, A. and Sukhatme, G.S.}, journal={Robotics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Evaluating Network Rigidity in Realistic Systems: Decentralization, Asynchronicity, and Parallelization}, year={2014}, month={Aug}, volume={30}, number={4}, pages={950-965}, OPTkeywords={Monte Carlo methods;computational complexity;distributed control;game theory;motion control;multi-robot systems;stability;Contiki networking environment;Monte Carlo analysis;asynchronicity;asynchronous messaging;decentralization;distributed memory;gossip algorithms;guaranteed formation stability;multirobot problems;parallelization;pebble game algorithm decentralization;planar network rigidity;realistic systems;relative localizability;Algorithm design and analysis;Clocks;Complexity theory;Games;Jacobian matrices;Robot sensing systems;Asynchronous and parallel communication;distributed robot systems;graph rigidity;networked robots}, doi={10.1109/TRO.2014.2315713}, ISSN={1552-3098}, pdf={../pdf/GasparriTRO22014.pdf} }
Conference articles |
Daniela Carboni,
Ryan K. Williams,
Andrea Gasparri,
Giovanni Ulivi,
and Gaurav S. Sukhatme.
Identifying Rigidity-Preserving Bipartitions in Planar Multi-Robot Networks.
In The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control,
pages 8085-8090,
August 2014.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:IFAC:2014, author = { Carboni, Daniela and Williams, Ryan K. and Gasparri, Andrea and Ulivi, Giovanni and Sukhatme, Gaurav S.}, title = {Identifying Rigidity-Preserving Bipartitions in Planar Multi-Robot Networks}, booktitle = {The 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control}, month = {Aug}, year = {2014}, pages = {8085-8090}, doi={10.3182/20140824-6-ZA-1003.02074}, OPTkeywords={Networks of robots and intelligent sensors; Autonomous Mobile Robots} }
Celine Depouhon,
Matteo Masciotta,
Emanuele Garone,
and Andrea Gasparri.
Swarm aggregation with a multi-robot system composed of three robotic units: A closed form analysis.
In 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation,
pages 1128-1133,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:MED:2014, author={Depouhon, Celine and Masciotta, Matteo and Garone, Emanuele and Gasparri, Andrea}, booktitle={22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation}, title={Swarm aggregation with a multi-robot system composed of three robotic units: A closed form analysis}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1128-1133}, doi={10.1109/MED.2014.6961526} }
Andrea Gasparri and Bhaskar Krishnamachari.
Throughput-Optimal Robotic Message Ferrying for Wireless Networks Using Backpressure Control.
In 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems,
pages 488-496,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:MASS:2:2014, author={Gasparri, Andrea and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar}, booktitle={2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems}, title={Throughput-Optimal Robotic Message Ferrying for Wireless Networks Using Backpressure Control}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={488-496}, doi={10.1109/MASS.2014.105} }
Andrea Gasparri,
Antonio Leccese,
Lorenzo Sabattini,
and Giovanni Ulivi.
Collective control objective and connectivity preservation for multi-robot systems with bounded input.
In 2014 American Control Conference,
pages 813-818,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:ACC:2014, author={Gasparri, Andrea and Leccese, Antonio and Sabattini, Lorenzo and Ulivi, Giovanni}, booktitle={2014 American Control Conference}, title={Collective control objective and connectivity preservation for multi-robot systems with bounded input}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={813-818}, doi={10.1109/ACC.2014.6859070} }
Andrea Gasparri,
Ryan K. Williams,
Antonio Leccese,
and Giovanni Ulivi.
Set Input-to-State Stability for spatially interacting multi-agent systems.
In 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
pages 5381-5386,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:CDC:2014, author={Gasparri, Andrea and Williams, Ryan K. and Leccese, Antonio and Ulivi, Giovanni}, booktitle={53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, title={Set Input-to-State Stability for spatially interacting multi-agent systems}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={5381-5386}, doi={10.1109/CDC.2014.7040230} }
Pradipta Ghosh,
Jie Gao,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Bhaskar Krishnamachari.
Distributed Hole Detection Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks.
In 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems,
pages 257-261,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:MASS:1:2014, author={Ghosh, Pradipta and Gao, Jie and Gasparri, Andrea and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar}, booktitle={2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems}, title={Distributed Hole Detection Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={257-261}, doi={10.1109/MASS.2014.25} }
Attilio Priolo,
Ryan K. Williams,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Gaurav S. Sukhatme.
Decentralized algorithms for optimally rigid network constructions.
In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
pages 5010-5015,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:ICRA:2014, author={Priolo, Attilio and Williams, Ryan K. and Gasparri, Andrea and Sukhatme, Gaurav S.}, booktitle={2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, title={Decentralized algorithms for optimally rigid network constructions}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={5010-5015}, doi={10.1109/ICRA.2014.6907593} }
Ryan K. Williams,
Andrea Gasparri,
and Bhaskar Krishnamachari.
Route swarm: Wireless network optimization through mobility.
In 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
pages 3775-3781,
@INPROCEEDINGS{Gasparri:IROS:2014, author={Williams, Ryan K. and Gasparri, Andrea and Krishnamachari, Bhaskar}, booktitle={2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems}, title={Route swarm: Wireless network optimization through mobility}, year={2014}, volume={}, number={}, pages={3775-3781}, doi={10.1109/IROS.2014.6943092} }
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Last modified: Tue Jan 28 23:24:36 2025
Author: Andrea Gasparri.
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